Maxwell Fairman
Maxwell Fairman

A musician who lives to inspire and uplift through sound.

Maxwell Fairman

Why I Play

When I was three, I traveled to Chicago to spend quality time with my aging Aunt Bet and Uncle Grady. Uncle Grady was a pharmacist by day and a jazz musician by night. While at their home, Uncle Grady let me test numerous expensive instruments. When I returned home to Cincinnati, I declared that I had to play the violin. Six months later, I had a violin in my hand and have been playing ever since.

The violin is my favorite way to express myself. I love the challenge of learning new repertoire. It allows me to explore the backgrounds, perspectives, and theories behind composers’ works, and I combine this knowledge with my own life experiences and emotions to deliver effective performances.

Along with studying music on my own, I enjoy learning from others’ approaches to classical music. I get inspiration from listening to some of my favorite violinists, such as Augustin Hadelich and Julia Fischer. I also love discussing musical ideas with my peers at chamber rehearsals.

I have met some of my closest friends through music, and many of my role models for life inside and outside the practice room are incredible musicians and teachers.

Maxwell Fairman

Why I Compose

As an African American musician, various genres such as jazz, spirituals, hip-hop, and R&B are a part of my heritage. I use composition not only to express myself but also to fuse these genres with my classical music training. I recognize a lack of black composers and want to help fix that issue through my writing. I also love music theory, and I apply my knowledge of classical and jazz harmony in my compositions.

Maxwell Fairman

My Mission

As a violinist, I will give performances that are personal, genuine, and respectful of the composer's intentions. I will emphasize lesser-known repertoire, especially pieces by Black composers, to increase the diversity of classical repertoire played.

As a composer, I will write tasteful and meaningful music accessible to audiences unfamiliar with classical music. My compositions will take inspiration from late romanticism, impressionism, jazz, and hip-hop.

I will perform and write music to move and inspire people and spark their interest in classical music.

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Book a performance, violin lessons, commission music, music theory tutoring, chamber music coaching